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Publish Your Articles

Are you currently advocating for someone that has been wrongfully convicted? Are you currently lobbying to improve the system in order to reduce wrongful convictions? Are you an expert that would like to help educate the public? Are you a past victim of wrongful conviction that would like to tell your story? If you answered yes to any of these questions then you have come to the right place.

You do not need to be a professional writer to contribute to Wrongful Conviction News. If you are credible, passionate, and knowledgeable about your cause, then you have what it takes to write for Wrongful Conviction News.

This is a brand new website that will be driven by the writers that contribute content. This platform is designed to give you an opportunity to bring more attention to the cases that you advocate for.

Getting started only takes a minute. Fill out the registration form and you are good to go. All registered users can submit an article for review. Once approved, your article will be posted on Wrongful Conviction News. Once we get to know each other, we will then upgrade your membership so you will not need to wait for approval to post.

It is important to note that new contributors will not have the ability to edit their draft once submitted for review. Please make sure you are satisfied with your work before saving your draft. We recommend completing your work offsite so you have a saved copy. Once we upgrade your account, you will have full use of all site features, including editing your drafts and previously published articles.

Articles on this website are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported, by default. You have the option of editing the license guidelines on your article posting page.

Please read this entire page before posting your first article.

General Guidelines

Your Profile

It is important that you fill out your profile page before posting your first article. Your profile information will be used to create your Author page. Author pages show a list of your articles along with your biographical Information. You will also have the opportunity  to promote your website by providing a link along with any additional information you would like to share with your readers. Author pages can be accessed by clicking on the author’s name at the top of each article.

Do Not Plagiarize

Do not post anything that you have not personally written. If you quote another author, always give proper credit. Always include a hyperlink back to the original source when the option is available to you.

Exclusive Content

We do not require exclusive content. If you have a blog you would like to promote, you can post articles that have already appeared on your blog with a link back to the original post. You can also publish articles that you have already submitted to other websites. Please check with their policies in order to prevent your original content from being removed from those sites.

Our mission is to bring more attention to wrongful convictions. Wrongful Conviction News wants to help you promote your blog or website.  In addition to posting articles, please visit our Free Advertising page to learn more about posting banners designed to advertise your website or blog on Wrongful Conviction News.


Always include important keywords in your headlines. If you are writing about Ryan Ferguson, Make sure to include “Ryan Ferguson” in your headline.

Just the Facts

Back up your facts with references. Hyperlinks are an important tool that will bring credibility to your articles. If your source is available online, please post a link back to the source. Do not worry about losing your reader when including links. If this is a concern, simply choose the option to have your links open in a new browser window.

Libelous Content

Do not post libelous content. Stick to this basic rule: You can criticize a person’s statements or actions, but not the person directly. A person can say or do something that is stupid, but that does not necessarily mean the person who said it or did it is also stupid. We discourage name calling and personal attacks.


We encourage all contributors to add photos to your articles.  Do not steal photos from websites to add to your articles. A quick Google search for images will not provide you with acceptable photos for your articles. Make sure you have the rights to use a photo. If the photo is your own or you have permission from the owner then you are welcome to post.

If you do not have images available, we encourage you to use Flickr to choose images for your article. You will see the Flickr button (blue and pink dots) next to the “Add Media” button at the top of your article posting page.

Featured Image

Important Note: When posting your article you will see a “featured Image” section on the bottom right of your screen. You must include a featured image so your article will display properly on the front page of the website. An image with a horizontal landscape is preferred. This image will not appear on your article page.


Make sure to click on all relevant categories on the posting page. You will see a box on the right hand side of the page for choosing your categories.

Important note: You must choose the “Wrongful Convictions” category if you would like your article featured on the front page of Wrongful Conviction News.


Make sure to include tags on the posting page. You will see a box on the right hand side of the page. Tags are relevant keywords that relate to your article.


Please spell check your articles before submitting for review.

Click here to get started!

Note: You can also find a link to post new articles on the top right hand corner of your profile page.

If you have any questions please post a comment below. If you prefer to communicate privately, you can send us an email at injusticeanywhere@yahoo.com.