Tune in on Tuesday June 9 at 8 PM CDT, to listen to an in-depth analysis of the Mark Lundy case in New Zealand.
Mark Lundy was convicted in 2002 of murdering his wife Christine and seven-year-old daughter Amber by bludgeoning them with a tomahawk in New Zealand in 2000. His conviction was overturned in 2013, but he was re-convicted in 2015.
Supporters claim the forensic results presented by the prosecution are unreliable and that Lundy was too far from home to have committed the crime in the allotted time frame. They also suggest that Lundy’s behavior was wrongly portrayed in the media.
Our scheduled guests are Geoff Levick, Chris Halkides, and Mark White. Geoff runs a campaign to have Lundy’s conviction overturned, Chris is a Professor of Biochemistry, and Mark is an investigative journalist and senior editor for North & South Magazine. You can read one of Mark’s articles on the case here: http://www.lundytruth.co.nz/files/NS-lundy.pdf
Was Lundy wrongfully convicted based on faulty forensics and character assassination by the media, or is he a cold-blooded killer who thought he had committed the perfect crime? We will explore the facts of the case and let you draw your own conclusions.
Please visit our show page to listen in. The show link will appear on the show page at 8 PM. If you do not see this week’s show link appear at 8 PM, just refresh your page and it should appear.
All shows are available on the Injustice Anywhere show page archive after they air. If you miss the live broadcast, be sure to catch the podcast at your convenience.