(This is the second of ten articles about the Kent Heitholt murder with a primary focus on interpreting the physical and other evidence at the crime scene.)
Columbia Tribune Sports Editor, Kent Heitholt, was found unconscious and unresponsive in a pool of blood outside his car about 2:26 AM on November 1, 2001. It was readily apparent that his head had been severely injured. After all resuscitation efforts failed, the police set up a crime scene around the parking lot and began documenting the found evidence.
The immediate crime scene was within the Columbia Tribune two lane parking lot situated on the north side of the building. On the west side of the parking lot was a closed Kentucky Fried Chicken store. On the east side of the parking lot was a small elevated public park. An east-west alley ran along the north side of the Columbia Tribune building between the parking lot and the building. At the southeast corner of the Kentucky Fried Chicken store lot was a brick trash bin enclosure. East – West Alley Columbia Tribune

Part 3 of the series will be posted tomorrow 2/19/14