About Us

Wrongful Conviction News is a crowd-sourced media platform. Our mission is to provide a wide range of wrongful conviction news while providing free advertising to help advocates promote the cases they support.

This website is designed to provide content that includes both professional and high-quality user-generated contributions.

All registered users are encouraged to contribute to the site. All submissions are reviewed by our staff before being published. We are looking for high quality well sourced articles detailing all aspects of wrongful convictions. Please visited our “Publish your Articles” page to learn more about our content requirements.

Wrongful Conviction News is an Injustice Anywhere website. Injustice Anywhere is an all-volunteer organization working to correct wrongful convictions. Please join the discussion on the Injustice Anywhere Forum. Wrongful convictions are a worldwide epidemic.  We must do more to prevent the unjust imprisonment of innocent people. If we work together we can all make a difference.

How did Injustice Anywhere get started?

Our first mission began in early 2010 when we created Injustice in Perugia (IIP), a grassroots organization that worked to secure freedom for Amanda Knox and Raffaele Sollecito, two innocent people wrongfully convicted for murder in Perugia, Italy. Both were declared innocent on appeal in October 2011 after 1427 days of wrongful imprisonment.

Our work with IIP opened our eyes to a growing worldwide problem that continues to go mostly unnoticed by anyone not directly affected. Wrongful convictions occur all around the world. We must do more to prevent the unjust imprisonment of innocent people, and in doing so, we must focus on the larger picture, not just the cases we see highlighted on television. If we choose to turn our backs on this epidemic, we risk creating more victims like Clarence Elkins, Christopher Turner, and Danny Brown. Who are these people? Even though their cases were not sensational enough to get the attention of cable news programs, they were all cases of wrongful conviction, only to be corrected after each had lost many years of their lives. There are hundreds of similar cases that go mostly unnoticed, but are of no less importance than any case that happens to attract the attention of the media.

Wrongful convictions jeopardize public safety by keeping the real perpetrators on the streets to commit more crimes.

© Wrongful Conviction News, 2013. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of material on this website without express and written permission from the authors is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to the referenced author and Wrongful Conviction News with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

The advertisements seen on the website are provided by Injustice Anywhere for informational purposes only. Please visit the Featured Cases page on our main website to view the cases that we are currently working on.