Boston Magazine takes an in-depth look at the Brian Peixoto case, in an investigative report titled: “Brian Peixoto’s Final Appeal”, which is published in their February 2016 issue. The report is also available online here: www.bostonmagazine.com
Brian Peixoto was convicted in 1996 for the murder of his girlfriend’s 3-year-old son Christopher Affonso, Jr., and sentenced to life in prison in Massachusetts. The prosecution argued that the child’s death was the result of abuse inflicted by Peixoto, as punishment to the child for wetting his pants. The truth is that the young boy had fallen down a set of stairs, while in his mother’s care, ten days prior to the day of his death. The fall caused the child to suffer a subdural hematoma, which over a period of time led the boy to have seizures resulting in his death. Brian Peixoto bears no responsibility whatsoever for the child’s death.
Four nationally and internationally recognized medical experts have reviewed Peixoto’s case, and all agree that the child’s death was the result of injuries sustained during a previous fall, not from child abuse inflicted on the day of his death. Peixoto’s defense team, led by attorney Jennifer Fitzgerald, is in the process of preparing an appeal in light of new evidence which they say proves Peixoto’s innocence.
The Boston Magazine article, written by Gus Garcia-Roberts, takes readers from the very beginning of Peixoto’s case, detailing the arrest, trial, incarceration, and appeals, bringing the story right up to the present day. It is a tough article to read, as is any story regarding the death of a child. But the sadness and shock of a child’s death must not prevent the truth from being exposed. In the end, the goal of any legitimate system of justice should be to ensure that truth prevails.
Boston Magazine’s investigative report provides a look at the Peixoto case from a neutral perspective, free from bias of any kind. You won’t find any fluff, just hard facts that will leave you wondering how Brian Peixoto has been left to suffer in prison for over two decades. As insightful as the article is, keep in mind that it only provides a sampling of the new evidence which will be contained in Peixoto’s upcoming appeal. Stay tuned. There is more to come.
After reading the Boston Magazine article, please visit BrianPeixoto.com to keep up to date with news and updates. Brian Peixoto is also an Injustice Anywhere featured case.