Brian Peixoto was wrongfully convicted in 1996 for the murder of his girlfriend’s 3-year-old son Christopher Affonso, Jr., and sentenced to life in prison in Massachusetts. Peixoto’s supporters state that the child died from injuries sustained during a fall, not from child abuse, and they have four nationally and internationally recognized medical experts that support their claims. New expert evidence proves Brian’s innocence.
Brian Peixoto wrote a letter to his supporters this week expressing his gratitude for the support he receives. Brian thanked family, friends, and supporters for donations being collected to hire a private investigator to work on his case. Brian also announced that his team has acquired a new member.
There has been another amazing offer of help that I would like to share. Over the years we have sent out hundreds of letters to doctors, lawyers and other professionals looking for help. This one came to us. Attorney Jennifer Fitzgerald has not only joined our team but is leading it as well. She has been working tirelessly reviewing every document, every report, and every court transcript. Jen has brought us new hope and new opportunities for justice. Working closely with Lisa, a new game plan is in the works. She has quickly become a friend. Over the next several months you will be hearing more about Jen and what will be our next move.
Jen Fitzgerald is an Injustice Anywhere Board Member. Wrongful Conviction News is an Injustice Anywhere website. We are excited that Jen is now working closely on Brian’s case and we look forward to hearing more about the new game plan that is in the works.
Please visit Brian’s website, Brian Peixoto: Struggle for Innocence, to learn more about this case.
Brian Peixoto is also an Injustice Anywhere featured case.